Wednesday, June 01, 2005

American Idol???

Posted by Hello

This is a request from one of our clients--

Casey, oh Mr. Ticket guy, what are the chances one of your connections could land me some tickets to see the American Idols Tour concert in Worcester on July 30? I'm imagining they might go to waste if I don't grab 'em...and you would make certain young ladies very happy! (Hey, I pulled it out for the Sox last night, didn't I?)

Let me know!!!!


--- I responded with the following-

I could get killed in my circles for asking for such tickets… American Idol?? How can I ask for that with a straight face??? Haha.

I’ll see what I can do.

--- One other A.I. story---
TJ voted (actually voted) for the eventual winner this past season by text messaging FOX...

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